The ArpoVoce Synth Voice
ArpoVoce it’s the Arpoloop voice board in Euro Rack format. A big module of 60HP offering all you need for...

New Black Aluminum Cases for Arpopone and Multicassa
New Black Aluminum Cases for Leploop Arpopone & Multicassa, solid and beautiful 1.5 mm black matt aluminum box. If you...

Simple beginner’s tutorial for the Arpopone
Connect power (12 V.) and an amplifier or headphones. Select internal clock (EXT-INT switch) and BPM to your favorite rate...
de-bug.de review leploop
Some small-scale manufacturers of analogue hardware intitally go for a public-beta-test and leave the manuals out of the box when...

Pre production prototype of leploop
Leploop pre production box and panel, handmade wooden box and laser print alluminium panel. http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonylight/3934564300/

Chris Carter LepLoop Experiment
Totally unaspected review of LepLoop by Chris Carter from Throbbing Gristle, publish on soundcloud an audio of experiment testing LepLoop....

Simple 12 db low pass filter
A Simple 12 db low pass filter, use 2 BC547 NPN transistor and a stereo 100k pot for the cutoff, instead of...

LepLoop: synth prototype
LepLoop It’s a small synth protype I’m developing with my friend Peppo.The idea was to have a compact live analog...